Cleanage Readymade Urinals - Public Men's Urinals
After successfully introducing many innovative and value-added products like Nu-drain underground drainage system, Safegard readymade septic tanks, and readymade toilet blocks, we are pleased to introduce Cleanage readymade men’s urinals, an innovative and useful product to promote hygiene in public places. This superior product is equipped with multiple features and is in line with the central government's initiatives to provide sanitation for all and will certainly enhance the quality of sanitation across the country. Supreme's Cleanage Readymade Urinals are compact, user-friendly, and immediately commissionable. With integrated flushing and easy installation, they require minimal maintenance, ensuring cost-effective, long-term use for public facilities.
Innovative and useful Readymade Men's Public Urinals are available in sky blue and Olive Green colours.

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Readymade structure with in-built accessories
Compact and user-friendly
In-built flushing mechanism
Can be immediately commissioned
Easy and fast installation
Minimal maintenance

Product Usage Guide
Installation of Cleanage Readymade Public Men's Urinals