Screen Pipes / Slotted Pipes
Screen pipes or Slotted pipes are used for casing in the groundwater section to allow water to enter the well. These pipes can also be used to provide soak-ways for the stormwater/rainwater to infiltrate back into surrounding areas. Thus, we can recharge the groundwater and prevent the runoff of rainwater. These percolation pipes can also be used in rooftop rainwater harvesting in the form of a percolation pit, to recharge the groundwater. These screen pipes can also be used to control and reduce the volume of discharge of rainwater into existing main sewer systems and water courses.
Screen pipes / Slotted pipes are available from 35 to 200 mm sizes, conforming to IS 12818. These pipes are also available according to IS 4985 from 110 to 400 mm sizes.

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Wide varieties - Supreme offers varieties of casing pipes to suit different application requirements in the borewell sector.
Excellent corrosion resistance - Unlike steel pipes, uPVC casing pipes are completely immune to corrosion and offer good resistance to aggressive elements in the soil which could cause encrustation of well screens.
Light in weight - These slotted pipes are light in weight which makes their transportation and installation easy and cheaper than conventional materials. These advantages particularly manifest themselves in rural areas where they are most needed but due to poor roads, transportation is difficult.
Quick and convenient installation - These screen pipes are provided with good quality threaded joints, due to which they can be easily assembled and installed where drilling is done by hand, with a lightweight drilling rig or even with large capacity drilling machines.
Excellent strength and stiffness - These screen pipes have excellent stiffness and meet all the mechanical properties as per IS:12818. They have excellent hydrostatic collapse pressure that is capable of withstanding the external hydraulic pressure that these screen pipes would be subjected to during the construction of the well.
Non-toxic - The material of the slotted pipe is non-toxic and hence does not impart any taste, odour or colour to water. It also does not release any harmful substances into the water which could pose health problems. It also resists bacteria, making it completely safe for drinking water.
Non-conductive - uPVC is a non-conductor of electricity eliminating any electrochemical reactions with groundwater that could cause encrustation of screens.
Long lasting - As the material is free from rusting, weathering, and chemical reactions, and with excellent mechanical properties, Supreme casing pipes last a lifetime.
Economical - Apart from all the advantages listed above, Supreme uPVC casing pipes and screens are the most economical borewell solution as compared to other materials or even alternative uPVC casing pipes available in the market.